HERA article | EASN Newsletter | Issue #2 | May 2023

Submitted on Wed, 05/17/2023 - 15:53

Aviation has, slowly but steadily, taken the path of decarbonization toward sustainable sources of energy. In addition, there is a considerable increase in the use of regional AirCrafts (A/Cs) providing effective connections on essential routes without discontinuity. For these reasons, regional aviation is expected to form the foundation of future aerial mobility which is about to change unprecedently. 

The HERA project, led and coordinated by Leonardo, a founding member of Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking, targets to develop the required A/C-level technologies and integrate the required enablers to meet the 50% less technology-based Green House Gas (GHG) emission set in Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) for a Hybrid-Electric Regional Aircraft. 

Find out more here (https://www.easn.net/newsletters/issues/easn-newsletter-may-2023) about the HERA Aircraft project. 

Enjoy the read!