HERA at the 3rd Cooperation Regional Thrust Workshop in Clean Aviation

Submitted on Fri, 07/12/2024 - 15:17

On July 3-4 in Madrid, HERA proudly participated in the 3rd Cooperation Hybrid Electric Regional Thrust Workshop. This Clean Aviation project joined the event organized by Leonardo Aircraft and hosted by Airbus Defense and Space. Seven more projects, included in the Hybrid Electric Regional Thrust, participated in the Workshop: AMBER, HE-ART, HECATE, THEMA4HERA, HERWINGT, HERFUSE, and ODE4HERA. 

The 3rd Workshop was dedicated to the certification challenges, both at the aircraft and system levels, associated with the development of hybrid electric powered aircraft. Representatives from the above-mentioned Clean Aviation projects attended the event, focusing on developing key technological units for a Hybrid Electric Regional Aircraft. The workshop aimed to promote collaboration among these projects by sharing results from activities which are currently in progress. HERA aims to identify and trade off the concept of a regional aircraft (A/C), serving the need for sustainability.

The high-level goals are, first, to develop the required A/C-level technologies and, second, to integrate the required enablers to meet the 50% less technology-based Green House Gas (GHG) emissions. Connect under the Grant Agreement 101102007. Views and Undertaking. Neither the European Union nor Clean Aviation JU can be held responsible for them.

Furthermore, pinpointing deficiencies were brought into the spotlight related to the current regulations that necessitate resolution to establish new certification methodologies and compliance standards for aircraft and system designs. This effort is being undertaken in partnership with EASA.  

  Press Release