The University of Nottingham (UoN) has been pioneering the journey towards greener, decarbonised aircraft over the past 20 years and proactively contributed into the key EU initiatives in the field, including MOET, CleanSky, Actuation-2015, CleanSky-2 and others. Within CleanSky 2 UoN has led 4 co-partnership projects and 28 projects with the total budget exceeding €52M. The team led the development of key technologies on electrical architectures for several key demonstrators including the Leonardo Civil Tiltrotor and Airbus Helicopters RACER. The team also lead the Power Electronics and Electrical Drives work package in Clean Sky 2 Systems ITD (integrated technology demonstrator) and has developed these insights into the four projects on the Clean Sky 2 Regional IADPs (innovative aircraft demonstrator platforms) Iron Bird Demonstrator.
Within HERA, the UoN team will support trade-off studies and design of aircraft configurations and their sizing, development of multi-domain models for key electrically powered systems, as well as supporting the development of associated aircraft-level design and analysis tools to assess design decisions impacts on the performances of onboard electric power systems.