Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft is the leading organization for applied research in Europe. It has been a founding member of the Clean Sky 1 and Clean Sky 2 Programmes. Based on its expertise in multiple technology domains and its capabilities for environmental impact assessment, Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft is a driver and key enabler for innovations and sustainable industrialization across the entire a/c life cycle. As leader and coordinator of the ecoDESIGN Transversal Activity in Clean Sky 2, Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft has included relevant demonstrators and technologies for environmental analysis, extending the aviation environmental database (AED), developed the Eco Hybrid Platform tool (EHP) and established a strong European partnership network for ecoDESIGN in aviation.
Role in HERA
In the HERA Project, Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft will lead the horizontal work package HOR01. Fraunhofer will collect and analyze the life cycle inventories of WP 3 on aircraft technologies for fuselage, wing, thermal management, H2 power source, and the life cycle inventories of WP4 on powerplant technologies for engine propeller and nacelle mounting. As part of WP8.2 Fraunhofer will conduct life cycle assessment for up to two configurations. Fraunhofer will contribute with dissemination and communication as part of WP1.