CIRA, (Italian Aerospace Research Centre) is a non-profit shareholding Consortium founded in July 1984. The main shareholders are ASI (Italian Space Agency), CNR (National Research Council), Consorzio ASI/Regione Campania and the main Italian aerospace industries. Yearly operation costs partly are covered by government contribution. CIRA operates according to the guidelines provided by the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR). The Italian government has entrusted CIRA to manage the PRORA (Italian Aerospace Research Program). Then main CIRA’s commitments are to support the Italian Aerospace community with facilities and proper skills under the control of Ministry of Research, to design, manage and operate the facilities, to define, manage and execute R&TD projects in the Aerospatiale field.
CIRA institutional aim is:
to carry out the PRORA by realising Excellence Centres, which shall integrate Research Capabilities with the Large Fluid dynamic Facilities and Technological Laboratories in several main technologies’ areas.
- to be the National focal point in Aerospace Research and Technology
- to contribute to the Competitive and Sustainable Growth of the Italian Aerospace Sector
- to identify Scientific Objectives and develop Basic Research in synergy with the National and International Scientific Community
- to support the Industry in Applied Research both in the development phase and in the technology validation phase
- to act as a partner of the Scientific Community and Industry
- to facilitate technology transfer from the aerospace field to other sectors
- to provide technical assistance to public Authorities for qualification and regulations
Role in HERA
CIRA will be involved in aerodynamics and structural wing design and in trailing edge norphing device (morphing flap) design and manufacturing. CIRA technical profile matches with the following tasks where it is involved:
- WP 1 - New wing configuration architectural design both from aerodynamic and structural standpoint
- WP 2 - Analysis of requirements
- WP 4 Flap Advanced Design
- WP 8 Demonstrator Manufacturing