Aeromechs core business resides in R&D activities focussed on power management algorithms for aircraft. Particularly, Aeromechs main innovation is related to Power Management Units (PMUs) as firmware-based solutions running on real-time control board targets, adopted to implement innovative electrical energy management strategies, targeting at a reduced consumption of fuel onboard hence obtaining environmental benefits due to CO2 emissions decrease. Our approach to generate the PMUs firmware is based on techniques like Model Based Design, Automatic Code Generation and Model/Hardware in the Loop, trying to develop error-free and ready to use code, aligned with DO-178 standard for commercial software-based aerospace systems. Thanks to these innovative ideas, Aeromechs has participated since its foundation to several R&D projects collaborating with the most important industrial and research European actors in this area, including all leading companies like Leonardo Velivoli, Airbus, SAFRAN, Collins) and other smaller entities like Skylife Engineering, BLU Electronics, Fokker Elmo etc, and research institutions such as CIRA, University of Nottingham, University of Seville and others.
Role in HERA
Aeromechs will bring its expertise as part of HERA consortium, and particularly in WP5. It will focus on architectural stydues in the specific area of Power Management, identifying interfaces and synergies with HER-03. Particularly, AER will deal with interdaces definition between the Power Management equipment, including control boards, converters, generators etc. Harmonization with Power Management logics will be performed, defining messages format, communication ports and software interfaces to achieve a robus, fault-tolerant and efficient overall Power Management architecture.